Mostra virtuale permanente promossa dalla Direzione Generale per il Cinema del MIC in collaborazione con la Fondazione CSC - Cineteca Nazionale.
ATTENZIONE. Questo sito contiene materiale per adulti che potrebbe risultare offensivo o illegale. Devi avere almeno 18 anni per accedere a queste pagine. Continuando la navigazione, dichiari di avere compiuto i 18 anni di età.Virtual permanent exhibition promoted by the MIC Directorate-General for Film along with the Fondazione CSC – Cineteca Nazionale/National Film Archive.
WARNING. This website contains adult material that you may find offensive or illegal. You should be at least 18 years of age to access these pages. If you agree to explore this website, you declare that you are older than 18.
Direction: Pasquale Festa Campanile
The Review Committee, after agreeing upon some changes, issued the authorization for public screening, provided that children 18 and under would be restricted from viewing. The 2nd Edition obitained a reduction of the restriction to children 14 and under, while the last Edition was finally declared appropriate for everyone. One of the cuts made is here enclosed.
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